0776 614 7882

School Policies

Covid 19 Policy and Procedure

We are operating within the Swim England guidelines and Government restrictions to ensure we keep our families and teachers safe. Upon confirmation of a space the New Policy and Procedures will be sent with invoicing details.

Swimming Caps

Swimming caps must now be worn by all children and can be purchased from us for £3.50.


Full payment must be made on receipt of invoice at the end of the preceding term. Failure to do so will result in a child's space not being confirmed and offered out to others on our waiting list. Payment is expected in full for the whole term and no refund is given for lessons missed due to pupils health or other family commitments.

Notice Period

School of Dolphins requires notice at half term should a child not wish to continue lessons in the following term. This enables us to then open the sessions up to either those children on our waiting list, or make them know to people outside.


Free parking is in a private stable yard adjacent to the swimming pool. We ask that vehicles are driven slowly through the village parked facing the field as this helps to accommodate more cars. If the car park is full cars should use the house drive as an over flow. At no time should cars be parked on the lane.


The Swim School must be immediately informed if your child is suffering from any contagious disease. For the benefit of the other children in the swim school, you must not allow your child to attend lessons if they are suffering from a contagious disease which could easily be passed on to another child during a normal lessons. If your child has a rash or undiagnosed skin condition we do require written notice from their GP authorising them to attend swimming lessons.

Equal Opportunities

The School of Dolphins will make sure that it actively promotes equality of opportunity and anti-discriminatory practices for all children. It will make sure that it treats all children with equal concern and respect.

Child Protection

The School of Dolphins first responsibility and priority is towards the children it teaches. If the swim school has any cause for concern it will report it, following STA Child Protection Procedures policy.

Data Protection

School of Dolphins is bound by new data legislation that comes into force on 25th May. This is called the General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR for short. We adhere to the new responsibilities of data handling and only email people who are enrolled in the swim school and completed enrolment forms. We never have or never will pass on client information to any third party. School of Dolphins has anti virus software installed on its computers and hard copies of enrolment forms are also stored within a secure office.


Cancelled Classes

If lessons are cancelled due to adverse weather the swim school will not refund missed classes. If, however, classes are cancelled due to operational issues or teacher illness we will endeavour to make up classes or, failing this, refund the class in full.

Pool Rules

1) No pushing or throwing in
2) No running in or around poolside
3) No food or drink to be consumed in pool building at any time
4) Please take all rubbish home with you
5) All babies and toddlers should wear swim nappies
6) Make use of the shower before your session
7) No jewellery is to be worn
8) Suitable swim clothing should to worn
9) No shouting or screaming is allowed
10) No bullying or fighting
11) No ducking
12) No jumping or diving without supervision of a teacher
13) No backward jumps or dives
14) No standing or jumping from floats
15) All children waiting for a lesson are to do so sitting on the benches by poolside
16) Changing must take place in the changing rooms
17) Shoes and boots must be removed on entry to the pool and kept clear of the door
18) No jumping into water less than 1metre 8yrs and under 1.5 metres 8yrs and over



Copyright © 2025 School of Dolphins  |  All Rights Reserved
School of Dolphins
The Maples
Suttonwood Lane
SO24 9SG

t: 07766 147882
e: enquiries@schoolofdolphins.co.uk