0776 614 7882

Swim School Term Dates

Here are the term times for the School of Dolphins swimming classes in Hampshire.

Autumn Term 2024

Start of Term

Half Term

Last day of Term

Monday 9th September 28th October Monday 2nd December
Tuesday 10th September 29th October Tuesday 3rd December
Wednesday 11th September 30th October Wednesday 4th December
Thursday 12th September 31st October Thursday 5th December
Friday 13th September 1st November Friday 6th December
Saturday 14th September 2nd November Saturday 7th December

Spring Term 2025

Start of Term

Half Term

Last day of Term

Monday 6th January 17th February Monday 31st March
Tuesday 7th January 18th February Tuesday 1st April
Wednesday 8th January 19th February Wednesday 2nd April
Thursday 9th January 20th February Thursday 3rd April 
Friday 10th January 21st February Friday 28th March
Saturday 11th January 22nd February Saturday 29th March 

“Warm private pool in idyllic rural location”

I love this place. My son has swum here for a year. It's really small and intimate and the teacher is very much focused on the teaching. 4 in a class so there is plenty of one on one time. Great for little ones taking their first strokes.

Andy Peskett

Fantastic teachers, fantastic clean pool and fantastic surroundings. 3 year old daughter making good progress which is a joy to see

Copyright © 2024 School of Dolphins  |  All Rights Reserved
School of Dolphins
The Maples
Suttonwood Lane
SO24 9SG

t: 07766 147882
e: enquiries@schoolofdolphins.co.uk